It started with a report that he’s leaving NBC. It escalated into something much more significant.
Following a report from Andrew Marchand of the New York Post that future Hall of Fame quarterback Drew Brees will be leaving NBC, Brees said this on Twitter: “Despite speculation from media about my future this fall, I’m currently undecided. I may work for NBC, I may play football again, I may focus on business and philanthropy, I may train for the pickleball tour, senior golf tour, coach my kids or all of the above. I’ll let you know.”
In fairness to Marchand, he wasn’t speculating. He was reporting. Brees seems to be disputing the reporting, while also raising the possibility of playing again.
Some will think he’s kidding about playing again. If he is, it doesn’t scream out from his tweet.
Making his claim about playing again semi-plausible is the fact Brees did indeed consider an offer from the Saints to return for a late-season game against the Dolphins. He wisely didn’t, given that the New Orleans roster was dramatically depleted by COVID positives.
My guess, and it’s just a guess for which I possibly will get myself in trouble, is this: Brees has a contract that he may not want to just walk away from. His official position as stated on Twitter could be part of an effort to leverage a buyout.
That’s between him and NBC, obviously. But he didn’t sign a one-year contract. Thus, if he’s going to be leaving NBC, something needs to happen with the balance of his deal.