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Drake Maye has no complaints about the Commanders’ Top Golf excursion for draft prospects

Drake Maye has no complaints about the Commanders’ decision to take visiting draft prospects (including four top quarterbacks) on a Top Golf outing. Also, Drake Maye would very much like the Commanders to draft him at No. 2.

Appearing on This Is Football with Kevin Clark, Maye was asked about the Commanders’ decision to take a large group to what is basically a fancy driving range with chicken wings and beer.

“Yeah, I actually though it was one of the cooler visits I’ve been on,” Maye said. “We all got our separate time with coaches when we needed to. It’s not like we didn’t do any of that. But Top Golf was just a way for us to get and do something fun the evening before.”

Was Maye the best golfer of the group?

“I’d like to say I was,” Maye said. “I think I had the best swing. I think I was hitting it pretty good. But J.J. McCarthy was hitting it well as well.”

For guys who golf well, Top Golf becomes a fun and enticing place. For guys who don’t, having them participate in an activity in which they have little or no confidence adds needless stress.

What would that guy do? Decline to participate and just hang out with everyone else? How would that be viewed by the Commanders? But what if he steps up to the mat and swings like Charles Barkley on magic mushrooms? That can’t help matters in this inherent who’s-the-alpha exercise.

Here’s how Simms and I put a bow on the Top Golf situation today, on PFT Live. The NFL is a copycat league. Next year, will other teams be taking a mass gathering of draft prospects to Top Golf?

Our guess is that the only team to do it in 2025 will be the Commanders, because they’ll believe that if they don’t they’ll be admitting it was a mistake to do it this year.