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Devin Lloyd: Jaguars have changed things up for the better

The Jaguars have been waiting for months to get back on the field and start wiping away memories of their 1-5 finish to the 2023 season, but linebacker Devin Lloyd knows that it is “always going to be in the back of our minds.”

Lloyd made that admission during an interview with Jamal St. Cyr of WJXT and added that the memory of what happened last year doesn’t change the team’s high expectations for themselves in 2024. Lloyd said that the Super Bowl remains the team’s expectation, but that they have made offseason changes that he thinks will move the team in a more positive direction.

“We’ve been working a little bit differently as far as not following the philosophy of expecting different results, doing the same thing,” Lloyd said. “So, I would expect different results this year. We’ve changed things up a little bit for the better. I’m really just excited. We’ve got all the right pieces in place. OTAs went well. So really, you find out in training camp what type of team you are, and I look forward to getting out there and competing, competing with the guys, having a lot of fun, and really just getting better.”

After the Jaguars go through the summer process of finding out what type of team they are, the rest of us will get a chance to start finding out how well the offseason tweaks worked out when they head to Miami on September 8 for the first game of the regular season.