When Washington ends up with a new stadium, it’s probably going to look more like its old one.
Team president Bruce Allen told a group of around 100 supporters at a fan forum last week that owner Dan Snyder wants his next building to be more similar to RFK Stadium (i.e. fewer seats).
“Whether it’s here, wherever it is — is going to be a more intimate stadium,” Allen said, via Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post. “It’s going to be closer to what RFK is.
“That’s Dan’s vision. He grew up at RFK Stadium, going to the games. And, as you know, that was 53,000 fans. And if we’re going to have loyal people, … Forget the person who just wants to come for a game or two. You can lose that customer. Bring the people who BLEED burgundy and gold.
“And we want exactly what you want, and I feel your passion for it. We want those people in our stadium. We don’t want to sell it to the Eagles and the Giants fans.”
Snyder’s not the only owner that has realized his stadium is too big to satisfy the supply-demand axis, and has carved seats out of the place at routine intervals. Of course, fewer seats means higher prices (unless Snyder also feels nostalgic for the days when he was less rich), which dovetails with finding people willing to BLEED (their wallets) for the cause.
Of course, if they’d do a little more winning on the field instead of all the “winning off the field,” they’d probably have an easier time filling the seats they have.