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Clyde Edwards-Helaire says he has suffered from PTSD for years

Chiefs running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire has opened up about a mental health challenge he has been facing for years: post-traumatic stress disorder.

Edwards-Helaire says he has physical symptoms like nausea and vomiting, and that it was Julie Frymyer, an assistant athletic trainer for the Chiefs, who helped him get a proper diagnosis and start him down the path of treatment.

“Sometimes I’m admitted into the hospital, something like I can’t stop throwing up,” Edwards-Helaire said. “The only person who kind of put me in the right direction was Julie Frymyer.”

Edwards-Helaire did not go into details about the specific traumas that led to his PTSD, but he says he has lost friends to gun violence and that in 2018 he faced “a self-defense situation” himself.

“Everybody goes through things,” Edwards-Helaire said. “Good, bad, just being able to cope with it, just being human. At 25 years old I’m just trying to live the rest of my life healthy.”