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Chris Ballard: If my approach gets me fired, so be it

General Manager Chris Ballard has been running the Colts personnel department since 2017 and the team has won one playoff game while compiling a losing record over the course of his tenure.

Two of the last three seasons saw the team have a chance to make it to the playoffs late in the year, but fall short and the season in between saw them fire head coach Frank Reich in the middle of the year. Despite those shortfalls, Ballard has not made major changes to the way he approaches building the team and he said on Wednesday that he still has “a very strong belief in what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and how we’re going to get there.”

Ballard said he didn’t feel he was on any more of a hot seat than he has been in past years and that he wouldn’t change anything about his approach even if he did feel like he could lose his job in the near future.

“Either you believe in something or you believe nothing,” Ballard said, via Stephen Holder of “It’s easy to vacillate and go with what the world wants you to do. You either believe in something or you don’t. This is what we believe. It gets me fired, so be it.”

Ballard chose quarterback Anthony Richardson in the first round last year and Richardson’s ability to play at a high level coming off of a season-ending right shoulder injury is going to have a lot to do with whether or not the Colts consider shaking things up this offseason.