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Check us out on Threads

We’ve been on Twitter since the early days of the app. We joined Threads on the very first day.

It was a no-brainer to sign up for the Facebook/Instagram answer to Twitter, since it works the same way — and will surely have millions of users. (In less than a day, it already does.)

We’re ProFootballTalk on both Twitter and on Threads.

I don’t care about the whole Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg thing. Like many, I’ve been concerned about some of the business decisions made by Musk since he plunked down $44 billion for Twitter.

But our goal is to fish where the fish are. To make our content available to the most possible people. And with Threads working and looking a lot like Twitter and with not much effort required to post on Threads the same things we post on Twitter, that’s what we’ll do.

Either Twitter will fend off Threads, or Threads will take over. Or both will thrive. Or something else that becomes widely used will come around.

Regardless, the main hub for our content is right here. On desktop and mobile, where recent changes have enhanced the experience — especially on mobile.

And to those who remain salty about the removal of the PFT comments section, get on Twitter or Threads and chime in there. Say whatever you want about our stories, about me. I’ve heard it all, and will surely hear more. I just don’t feel the need to provide the platform for it, not with apps specifically created for that very purpose.