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Charles Woodson announces his retirement at end of season

Charles Woodson


Charles Woodson has decided to call it a career.

Woodson, the 39-year-old Raiders defensive back who has had a surprisingly good season this year as the NFL’s oldest defensive player, said he will retire after the season. Woodson decided to announce it today so that Oakland fans would know that the Thursday night game against the Chargers will be his last home game in the place where he started his career and is now ending his career.

“It will be emotional. I’ve been emotional all day, so it will be that way Thursday for Raider Nation,” Woodson said. “It was really fun coming back here and playing, so it will be a pretty emotional day.”

Woodson said his body could get through another NFL season, but he just thinks it’s time to move on with other things in his life.

“Honestly, I think physically I could do it -- my body has responded. But mentally, it’s not there. It’s not gonna happen,” Woodson said.

And so there are only two more games remaining in a Hall of Fame career.