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Charissa Thompson issues statement addressing admission of fabricated sideline reports

Fox Sports and Amazon host Charissa Thompson did not address her admission to making up sideline reports during last night’s Amazon broadcast. She has posted an explanation on Instagram.

Here’s the full text of her statement:

“Ok, let’s address the elephant in the room. I have a responsibility to myself and my employers to clarify what is being reported. When on a podcast this week, I said I would make up reports early if my career when I worked as a sideline reporter before I transitioned to my current host role.

“Working in media I understand how important words are and I chose the wrong words to describe the situation. I’m sorry. I have never lied about anything or been unethical during my time as a sports broadcaster.

“In the absence of a coach providing any information that could further my report I would use information that I learned and saw during the first half to create my report. For example if a team was 0 for 7 on 3rd down, that would clearly be an area they need to improve on in the second half. In these instances I never attributed anything I said to a player or coach.

“I have nothing but respect for sideline reporters and for the tireless work they put in behind the scenes and on the field. I am only appreciative and humbled to work alongside some of the best in the business and call them some of my best friends.”

Here are her comments from Pardon My Take, via “I’ve said this before. I haven’t been fired [for] saying it, but I’ll say it again. I would make up the report sometimes, because A, the coach wouldn’t come out at halftime, or it was too late and I didn’t want to screw up the report. So I was like, ‘I’m just gonna make this up.’ . . . Because first of all, no coach is gonna get mad if I say, ‘Hey, we need to stop hurting ourselves, we need to be better on third down, we need to stop turning the ball over and do a better job of getting off the field.’ They’re not gonna correct me on that. So I’m like, it’s fine, I’ll just make up the report.”

Multiple sideline reporters reacted strongly to the admission after it surfaced on Thursday.

Some will question whether “the wrong words” were chosen when the initial comments were prefaced with an acknowledgement that “I’ve said this before” and “I haven’t been fired for saying it.”

Regardless, that’s her statement. Fox Sports and Amazon have declined comment to multiple outlets, including PFT.