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Chad Kelly withdraws from Toronto Argonauts training camp

Toronto Argonauts quarterback Chad Kelly, who faces a suspension of at least nine games after investigating a lawsuit filed by a former strength and conditioning coach, has withdrawn from training camp.

Via the Associated Press, Kelly said he hopes to “learn, grow and better myself” through counseling.

“I want to support the Argonauts organization as it prepares for the season and have made the decision to withdraw from training camp to minimize distractions for the team and to put in the work to earn both reinstatement in the CFL and everyone’s trust,” Kelly said in a statement. “I look forward to getting back on the field soon.”

Kelly was the CFL’s MVP equivalent in 2023, after leading the Argonauts to a 16-2 record.

“I have had to take time to process the findings from the CFL investigation released last week as they were not consistent with the person I am, nor the team and community leader I strive to be,” Kelly said. “I want to be the leader who brings people together and I strongly believe that all workplaces should be safe and healthy for every member of the team.”

Kelly has had multiple off-field issues during his football career, both while in college and in the NFL. He had found a home in Canada. Whether he’ll remain a viable member of that league currently is in doubt.