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Brett Favre hires former White House lawyer to handle welfare-fund fiasco

John Davis pleaded guilty to fraud charges in a Mississippi welfare scandal involving Brett Favre. Anna Wolfe breaks down the situation with Peter King to examine how he fits into the picture, repercussions and more.

Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre has yet to be accused of criminal misconduct in connection with the diversion of federal welfare funds for pet projects -- and Favre’s own pocket. But he’s apparently concerned about the manner in which the dominoes are falling.

According to Mike Allen of, Favre has hired attorney Eric Herschmann to serve as lead counsel for his defense team. A person whose videotaped testimony periodically has appeared during the hearings of the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, Herchmann formerly served as a White House lawyer for Donald Trump.

“I only agreed to represent Brett Favre after I did my independent due diligence and was convinced that he did nothing wrong,” Herschmann said, via Allen. “Brett enthusiastically tried to help his alma mater, a public university, that needed and wanted his help.”

C’mon, Eric. Defense lawyers routinely represent people who are or may be factually guilty, hopeful that they can help their clients avoid being found legally guilty. Also, defense lawyers work by the hour. It’s always better to work for someone with the money to pay the invoices, regardless of innocence or guilt.

“To be clear, Brett had no idea that welfare funds were being used or that others were involved in illegal conduct,” Herschmann said.

That declaration doesn’t mesh with text messages that create the impression Favre kept pushing for welfare funding even after being told by former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant that there were legality concerns regarding the money.