Former Green Bay coach Mike Holmgren was inducted into the Packers Hall of Fame on Saturday night, and although Brett Favre was invited to the ceremony, he did not attend. Holmgren said he did, however, receive a congratulatory message from Favre -- via text.
And while not everyone who gets a text from Favre appreciates the contents, Holmgren said he received warm wishes from his former quarterback.
“I hear from [Favre] maybe once a year,” Holmgren told the Green Bay Press-Gazette. “But he did text me and wish me well tonight, [said] some very nice things. We had a nice exchange.”
Still, the fact that Favre didn’t attend the ceremony in person points to some of the lingering hard feelings between the Packers and Favre about the way he retired, un-retired and was ultimately traded away from Green Bay. Holmgren said he witnessed those things from afar and knows there are issues, but he believes Favre and the Packers will eventually bury the hatchet.
“I wasn’t here,” Holmgren said. “But I know this. I know the principals involved, everybody involved, they’re all good guys. They’re all good men. My feeling is, time will heal anything. Now we’re talking about football, but I’m talking about anything. A little time, and it should work out just fine.”
And eventually Favre will join Holmgren in the Packers Hall of Fame.