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Bradshaw blasts New Jersey Super Bowl


Count Terry Bradshaw among those who aren’t thrilled with a Super Bowl to be played in the open-air elements of New Jersey.

Bradshaw, who works for FOX, has complained about the title game to be televised by FOX from MetLife Stadium.

“Thank you Commissioner, thank you Super Bowl committee for putting us in New York,” Bradshaw said during his weekly appearance with Joe Benigno and Evan Roberts of WFAN radio in New York. “And we all know why we’re in New York, it’s because they overpaid for that stupid stadium in New Jersey. . . . By the way, not a gorgeous stadium either.

“It’s freakin’ outside in New York, are you kidding me? Not even New York -- New Jersey. It’s not like Minnesota, it’s a dome. It’s not like it’s Detroit, it’s a dome. It’s not like it’s Indy, it’s a dome. . . . I don’t want it to be bad, ‘cause I’m there. I don’t want it to bad, I want it to be nice, but I don’t think you should be putting Super Bowls in northern cities in the winter time.”

Bradshaw, who has played in a few bad-weather games, doesn’t believe the Super Bowl should come down to the elements.

“You should be in Florida or California or Arizona, where there [are] no excuses,” Bradshaw said. “What if the Saints make it there? What if Seattle [qualifies]. . . . Teams that run the football will have a bigger advantage than teams that throw the football. What if we get two passing teams? What if they get Denver there? What if it’s pouring down snow? You get a bad game.”

He’s right. The goal of a neutral site is to let the best team win. If/when elements are an issue, the best team won’t win. The team best suited to play in those specific elements will.

To those who disagree, Bradshaw had this message: “Get off the pipe, because something’s wrong with you.”