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Bill Belichick lands on Instagram

The man who spent years despised the media is now overexposed in it. And man who spent years feigning ignorance of social media is now in it, making light of his past feigned ignorance of it.

Bill Belichick is on Instagram.

“Hello, everyone,” Belichick said in a video that was product of at least four difference takes edited together. “Surprised to see me here? Well, I am, too. Over the past few months and not being with a team, I haven’t had the opportunity to express my thoughts at a moment’s notice. So now I’m changing that. I tried to join Snapface, but I couldn’t find it. I decided this was a good place for me to land, so I can talk to you, and share what I’m up to. Because there’s a lot going on. So here I am. Hello, Instaface. See you soon.”

Belichick has, during press conferences, misidentified social media platforms to create the impression he knows nothing about them. Few actually believed the shtick.

And so Belichick’s media portfolio keeps growing. Most recently, he joined Mike Tannenbaum’s 33rd team as a strategic advisor. Making that move even more eyebrow-raising is that Tannenbaum was G.M. of the Jets when the Jets instigated Spygate, 17 years ago this month.