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Bengals season tickets not yet sold out for 2022

Mike Florio and Charean Williams break down how the Cincinnati Bengals should continue to build around Joe Burrow, and why they need to invest heavily into their offensive line.

The up-and-coming Bengals need to come up a little more, apparently.

Despite an unlikely Super Bowl appearance and the promise of years of contending teams to come, the Bengals have not sold out their 2022 season tickets, according to Scott Springer of the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Seats remain available, and the organization is currently going through the renewal process with 2021 season-ticket holders. Per Springer, the Bengals are one of 13 teams without a season-ticket waiting list.

It’s still early. Surely, people in Cincinnati will pony up to see the best version of the home team in more than 30 years. Even with the ability to stay home and watch games on TV with no concern of a local blackout (I’m old enough to remember when there was an actual blackout policy), some teams are good enough to compel witnessing their exploits in person. The Bengals currently are one of those teams.