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Arik Armstead is a big believer in Travon Walker

Arik Armstead knows a thing or two about great edge rushers. He has spent the last five years with one in San Francisco.

Now that Armstead has left the 49ers and Nick Bosa, Armstead has high praise for one of his new teammates in Jacksonville.

“I think Travon [Walker] can be the best edge in the league,” Armstead recently told the Florida Times-Union, during offseason workouts. “He has that ability. He had a tremendous year last year and I know he’s gonna have a tremendous year this year.”

The first overall pick in the 2022 draft, Walker’s production spiked from 3.5 sacks as a rookie to 10.0 in 2023. Armstead is committed to pushing Walker toward his ceiling.

“[I’m] just trying to help him in any way I can,” Armstead said. “Give him some knowledge, showing him different things that I use and how I break down offensive lineman. Some techniques that I’ve used throughout the years that I think will be great for him, and even better, because I don’t have the skillset and athletic ability that he has.”

Armstead believes Walker can and will get there.

“I think the sky’s the limit for him and like I said, I think he can be the best edge in [the] league,” Armstead said. “He has that mindset too and I think I think he will be.”

If so, the Jaguars will have a dominant defensive front, thanks to the ongoing presence of Josh Allen.