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Alex Guerrero: Julian Edelman PED suspension is “disappointing”

The fact that information about Julian Edelman's possible PED suspension was revealed may have something to do with Tom Brady's lack of attendance at OTAs.

When news broke that Patriots receiver Julian Edelman is facing a four-game suspension for performance-enhancing drugs, there was an immediate focus on Alex Guerrero, the trainer who is best known for his work with Tom Brady but also works with Edelman. Boston media have already portrayed the Edelman suspension as a sign that Bill Belichick is right to distance the team from Guerrero.

Now Guerrero seems to be distancing himself from Edelman.

Guerrero released a statement saying he is disappointed by Edelman’s suspension and doesn’t condone using banned substances.

“I’ve known Julian since his rookie year and he is a phenomenal athlete who takes his training seriously—it’s disappointing to hear today’s news,” Guerrero said. “Elite athletes sometimes work with multiple coaches and health professionals as part of their training. Here at our facility, we take a natural, holistic, appropriate and, above all, legal approach to training and recovery for all of our clients. And anyone who would suggest otherwise is irresponsible, and just plain wrong.”

Is Guerrero suggesting that Edelman got a banned substance from one of the other “coaches and health professionals” he works with? Perhaps. But Guerrero is definitely saying that he should bear no blame for Edelman’s suspension.