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Ad packages for Christmas NFL games on Netflix will cost more than $5 million

The streaming of NFL games provides a great chance to double dip.

On one hand, the streaming company gets its subscription fees. On the other hand, the streaming company sells ads.

For the pair of Christmas games to be televised by Netflix, the back side of the double dip will cost more than $5 million.

Via Bill Bradley of, sponsorships for the game will have at least eight 30-second ad units. Each package will cost more than $5 million.

The various packages entail different distribution of the ads, from pregame to in-game to the post-game shows for both games.

Anyone who buys the Christmas packages must have of $500,000 in spending with Netflix beyond NFL games.

The packages will be available initially to eight NFL sponsors — AB InBev, Verizon, Visa, Gatorade, Pepsi, Lowe’s, Microsoft, and an audio partner that has yet to be determined. They have until June 26 to decide whether to purchase one of the packages.

The Steelers will host the Chiefs, and the Texans will host the Ravens on Christmas Day.