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Aaron Rodgers embraces effort by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to debate Dr. Peter Hotez

Aaron Rodgers is not sticking to sports. Instead, he’s continuing to stick his neck out when it comes to having needles stick vaccines into the arms of Americans.

Rodgers, via, recently waded into the effort to cajole Dr. Peter Hotez to debate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. over the COVID vaccines. Rodgers shared on Instagram a clip of Hotez admitting to unhealthy eating habits with this message: “@robertfkennedyjr would mop this bum.”

Hotez responded on Wednesday, retweeting the story and sending this message to Rodgers: “Disappointed he took a cheap shot vs me this wk. In 2021 during our awful delta wave we were losing 2,000 Americans/day, >80% among unvaccinated, when vaccines were 90% protective vs death/serious illness, I criticized him for his public antivaccine stance. . . . This is so unnecessary, I have no bad thoughts for Aaron, I needed to speak out in 2021 to try and save lives. 200,000 unvaccinated Americans needlessly perished during those delta BA.1 waves in last half of 2021 early 2022.”

Rodgers previously has expressed support for Kennedy’s presidential campaign. During Wednesday’s psychedelics conference in Denver, where Rodgers shared a stage with podcaster Aubrey Marcus, Marcus explained that he received a cosmic message about a sword or something while tripping on some sort of drug and concluded that Kennedy will be the next president.

To date, Rodgers has not faced aggressive questioning from the New York media regarding his unconventional beliefs, whether it’s his strong anti-vaccine stance or not-so-subtle 9/11 trutherism. Maybe, eventually, someone covering the team will ask him to elaborate on views that he has decided not to keep to himself.

Rodgers is a smart guy who seems to like to demonstrate his intellect by pushing back against a wide range of conventional views. But not every conventional view is the product of a grand conspiracy.

By regarding every official narrative as a lie or a coverup, eventually Rodgers will get one right. Along the way, chances are he’ll also get plenty wrong.