The NFL has said it will “look into” the allegations of inappropriate behavior by Ravens kicker Justin Tucker during massage-therapy sessions. Given the inherent flaws of the league’s in-house justice system, Tucker has an easy way to short-circuit the process. If he chooses to pursue it.
To properly investigate the matter, the NFL will need to identify the six accusers from Thursday’s story in The Baltimore Banner and interview them. Because the NFL has no subpoena power, the investigation will go nowhere if they don’t cooperate.
Even though there’s no suggestion in the report that any of them have sued, and despite the possibility that the statute of limitations has expired as to any civil claims, Tucker could negotiate settlements with each of them. And if the settlements include (as most do) a confidentiality agreement, the accusers won’t be able to cooperate with the league.
That’s likely what happened with the most recent lawsuit filed against Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson, in September 2024. The NFL launched an investigation, Watson settled the case (presumably with a confidentiality clause), and the NFL’s investigation went nowhere.
Right or wrong, it’s a legitimate legal strategy. And cash settlements are one of the most basic devices for resolving civil claims.
The entire system is based on pursuing claims that, if not settled, will potentially result in a verdict that compensates the plaintiff for harm suffered due to misconduct that is proven in court. The vast majority of civil cases are settled short of a full-blown trial.
That’s why the league needs to revisit the Personal Conduct Policy when it comes to claims of misconduct made against players. One possibility would be to prevent settlements until the accuser(s) are interviewed. Another would be to ban NDAs as part of the settlement process.
It’s still impossible to ensure that a non-employee of the league or its teams will cooperate. And if the accuser(s) won’t, the league will never be able to conduct a proper investigation.
Tucker has a $4.2 million salary in 2025. He’d lose $233,333 for each week of an unpaid suspension. With six accusers, he could possibly spend less than a game check to quickly and quietly end the NFL’s investigation before it even gets started.
Unless and util the league changes the Personal Conduct Policy, it’s a legitimate path toward managing risk and avoiding scrutiny.
That said, Tucker calls the accusations “unequivocally false.” He might flatly refuse to offer a penny to any of the six accusers.
Which would then set the stage for the league finding them, the league talking to them, and the league possibly attempting to take action against Tucker — the same way the league took action against Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson, who eventually was suspended 11 games without pay in 2023.