Last time we heard from Yao Ming, he didn’t sound like a guy confident he would be back.
Speaking with the Chinese media this week… pretty much the same thing. The New York Times found the interview and translated it.“I don’t know if I would join some champion team in the future,” the China Daily quoted him as saying when asked about leaving a new-look Rockets team.
“I don’t even know if I can play again….
“Walking or jogging is okay... but I need to get 80 percent of my strength back to play. I have got only about 30 percent at most now.”
Yao has played five total games in the last two seasons due to injuries to his feet and his ankles. He’s coming off another surgery and it will be late this summer before he will find out if he even can attempt another comeback.
The man clearly wants to come back and he says he is motivated both by getting a ring and having his daughter see him play somewhere other than ESPN Classic. Two powerful motivators. If his body doesn’t betray him again.