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Watch security guard beat Michael Jordan in pitching quarters, hit him with epic shrug

Michael Jordan security guard

The star of ESPN’s “The Last Dance” documentary: Michael Jordan John Michael Wozniak.

In the scene that stole the show, Jordan and Wozniak – a security guard – were pitching quarters. The goal is to toss a coin closest to the wall. On a $20 bet, Jordan offered Wozniak four tries to top his one throw.

Wozniak needed only one.

Awful Announcing:

That shrug!

That’s even better than Jordan in the 1992 NBA Finals:

This was just one small example of Jordan’s gambling, though it showed the issue well. Jordan bet relentlessly.

Unfortunately, Wozniak died in January. He did an interview with Matt Welty of Complex in 2016, detailing his years of protecting Jordan.