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Stunning revelation: Magic Johnson had sex

The best NBA novelist on the planet -- Roland Lazenby -- has a new book coming out in a few weeks on the life of Jerry West. Of course, the first parts of the book to get leaked publicly are the most salacious.

That brings us to Bob Wolfley of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (as picked up by Sports by Brooks), talking about the Magic Johnson-era Lakers

“The team’s locker room, and its sauna, had been a place where the star and other players had entertained women, even right after games. Johnson would retire to the sauna after a game, have sex, then put on a robe and return to the locker room for his postgame media interviews.”

So it was Showtime off the court too? Big shock. This is Magic, a guy who admitted to having more than 300 sexual partners a year for a stretch and who contracted HIV because of it. Everyone has moved on from this. Aside being titillating, this tells us nothing new.

I have and am reading an advanced copy of Lazenby’s “Jerry West: The Life and Legend of a Basketball Icon.” Interviews and a review will come. But this book is the opposite of titillation -- it is the story of a hardscrabble boy who has a career that many would dream of (Gold medal, NBA title, 50 greatest players of all time) but that was driven by his failures. West lost an NCAA title game and the seemingly countless times to the Celtics in the NBA Finals. Those haunt West to this day, the successes were fleeting to him.

It’s a great read, but if you are picking it up as a Kitty Kelly tell-all, you are going to be very disappointed.