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Stephen Curry says he’s a better offensive player than LeBron James (VIDEO)

If the question was who’s the better shooter between Stephen Curry and LeBron James, Curry would undoubtedly be the guy. He holds a career average of 44 percent from the three-point line compared to LeBron’s 34 percent.

Curry, however, believes his game goes beyond the three-point line (which it does, his assist rate has increased significantly each of the last three years) and that he’s a better offensive player than LeBron (which is questionable, the physical presence of James that allows him to score anywhere from the floor goes unmatched). Jump to the 4:12 mark to hear Curry’s remarks.

Granted, at the 1:02 mark, Curry said if he were to start a football team, he’d place LeBron at the tight end position with Curry being the quarterback.