Charlie Bright, as explained by Royce Young of Daily Thunder, took Rachel Haycraft on their first date to a Thunder game. So, when he later decided to propose, he wanted to incorporate the Thunder.
Here were the results of the plan:
.@rachelhaycraft, @chuuuuck1 loves u, he wants to know if u would spend the rest of ur life watching thunder games w/ him. #marryhim #Whynot
— Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) June 21, 2013
The reply:
@russwest44 @Chuuuuck1 I said yes!
— Rachel Bright (@RachelBright_13) June 21, 2013
And the retweet:
She said yes! RT @russwest44 @Chuuuuck1 I said yes!
— Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) June 21, 2013
That was very cool of Russell Westbrook to help a Thunder fan like that. It was also very smart of Haycraft’s fiancé. With her favorite player involved in the proposal and making a convincing argument on behalf of Bright – #Whynot – how could she say no?