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Rumor: Ray Allen considering NBA return, intrigued by Warriors

PBT's Kurt Helin explains why Kevin Durant is actually adding more pressure by deciding to go with the Golden State Warriors instead of staying in Oklahoma City.

Because what the Warriors need is another all-time great shooter.

I’d take this rumor with a grain of salt — Ray Allen has happily spent two years in Miami golfing, going up to Connecticut to take in some college basketball now and again, and enjoying time with family and friends. Does he suddenly want to give that up to go through the physical grind of the NBA season at age 41?

He may be considering it — and he likes the way he might fit with the Warriors — reports Chris Broussard of ESPN.

Ray Allen, one of the greatest shooters in NBA history, is considering making a comeback, according to league sources.

Allen’s representatives reached out to the Golden State Warriors recently about the possibility of Allen joining the Western Conference champions....

Allen, who will turn 41 on July 20, is also not absolutely sure he wants to return after sitting out the past two seasons. But he is intrigued by the possibility of playing for another championship, and in addition to the Warriors, he would consider joining the Cleveland Cavaliers, San Antonio Spurs and Los Angeles Clippers, sources said.

If he wants a ring I’m not sure the Clippers are the call. Sorry Clipper fans.

Allen was always one of the best-conditioned athletes in the league, a guy who ate right and worked out religiously. Obviously, his ability to hit the three pointer has value in today’s game. He’d be great in the locker room.

No doubt Allen still feels a pull to play — every retired player does — but that is very different from actually taking the steps to make it happen. Is Allen ready to put himself through the physical grind of a minimum (or near minimum) contract, even if he thinks he can win a ring?

I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I’m saying I’ll believe it when I see it.