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Report: Amare Stoudemire, New York Knicks have framework of a deal set

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The New York Knicks have offered Amare Stoudemire a five-year, max contract deal that he may well accept.

The framework of the deal is in place but the details still need to be hammered out, according to Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo. Still, that could happen by the end of the day.

The move could reunite Stoudemire and coach Mike D’Antoni and his seven-seconds-or-less offense. Stoudemire flourished in that offense (when Steve Nash was feeding him the ball) but the two clashed at times. There were rumors both Stoudemire and D’Antoni did not really want to work together again, although publicly it was all puppy dogs and rainbows and love between the two.

This comes after Stoudemire turned down the last offer from the Suns -- three years max with the fourth and fifth years guaranteed based on minutes played in the previous years.

The Knicks had wanted to use a signing like Stoudemire to help pitch LeBron James yesterday as a place that he could win on the court, not just make a lot of money. Because in reality, those two things are tied together.