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Reason 4,723 Team USA doesn’t stay in the Olympic Village

Tyson Chandler Olympic bed

There are a whole lot of reasons the USA Olympic men’s basketball team is not staying in the wild, out of control party the Olympic village. Security for one. Second, the rooms in the village are basically dorm rooms and do you think Kobe Bryant and LeBron James want to stay in a dorm?

But Tyson Chandler, with the help of American hurdler Lolo Jones, tweeted out my favorite reason Team USA has gone four-star, which you can see in the photo to the right (via Yahoo Sports).

The beds in the Olympic Village rooms are 5’8” long. Which is just fine if you are McKayla Maroney or one of the other USA Olympic gymnasts. For 7’1” Tyson Chandler… not so much. In fact, it’s pretty funny.

I’m guessing the bathroom’s shower head hits Chandler in about the middle of the back as well.

Even I would have feet hanging off an Olympic Village bed, and you know that’s not going to be comfortable. And Team USA needs Chandler comfortable because they need to only true center on the roster on the court as much as possible.