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Ray Allen announces retirement

2014 NBA Finals - Game Four

2014 NBA Finals - Game Four

Getty Images

Rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor after rumor.

Maybe it’s time to treat Ray Allen – who’s 41 and hasn’t played in the NBA since 2014 – as truly retired.

Allen in a letter to his younger self in The Players Tribune:

I write this to you today as a 41-year-old man who is retiring from the game. I write to you as a man who is completely at peace with himself.

This means nothing officially. If Allen wants to come back, he still can. He’s a free agent will remain a free agent.

But it suggests he’s at peace with his career ending – a state that wasn’t always the case.

If Allen, who famously keeps himself in tip-top shape, is finished, he’ll likely head to the Hall of Fame in a couple years. He’s the all-time leader in 3-pointers made (though Stephen Curry will likely pass him) and a 10-time All-Star. His peak might not match other all-time greats, but he was very good over 18 seasons with the Bucks, Sonics, Celtics and Heat. Longevity matters, too. Allen also won a couple championships, one with Boston and one with Miami thanks to one of the most clutch shots in NBA history: