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Pistons ban Nike Hyperize

Can a basketball shoe be too light?

Turns out yes, at least according to Arnie Kander, the Pistons strength and conditioning coach for the past 18 years (via Ball Don’t Lie). After a string of ankle and foot problems with Pistons players. He told the Detroit Free Press about the problem but was too kind to name the problem shoes.

We’re not so kind -- it’s the Nike Hyperize.

“I’m not going to name the brand of shoe it was, but it has been banned from our locker room and the guys aren’t allowed to wear it,” Kander said. “These shoes had taken most of the support out of the sides and it was a lighter shoe. Most basketball shoes weigh between 1.4 and 1.7 pounds.

“These shoes were weighing 0.8 pounds, which was way too light as far as side support. Since we’ve banned the shoe, knock on wood, we haven’t had any ankle sprains. Hopefully, the good Lord willing, we won’t have any more and we can finish the season healthy and see what these guys can really do.”

Rip Hamilton stopped, his ankle got better. Same with Ben Gordon. Third year player Will Bynum new better than the nearly two decades of experience for Kander, so he kept wearing them. Until he hurt his ankle again. Then he stopped.

Piston players are not alone -- three of four Orlando players (Rashard Lewis, Brandon Bass and Ryan Anderson) have moved away from the Hyperize, according to Ben Q. Rock of Orlando Pinstriped Post). It is a league wide trend.

Watch out for the Nike marketing counter campaign in 3...2...1...