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Phantom cam captures the best of the 2014 dunk contest (VIDEO)


We all know that slow-motion makes everything much more dramatic and generally way cooler. It’s science.

That’s a good thing, because last night’s dunk contest was all sort of a weird blur.

Harrison Barnes attempted a layup (no, seriously) in the freestyle dunk period. Paul George did some cool stuff we couldn’t properly react to. I’m fairly sure Nelly dunked while babysitting, but I could be fuzzy on a few details.

Really though, the whole contest went by pretty fast since there was no second-round in this year’s new format, and since Ben McLemore took up most of the time being introduced.

Luckily, though, the NBA’s phantom cam was there to catch it all for us and weed out the premature coronations and doinked dunk attempts.

Here are a few different angles of “Dunker of the Night” John Wall’s reverse jam in glorious phantom cam, as well as the other best jams from the 2014 dunk contest.