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Paul Pierce after hitting dagger three to beat Raptors: ‘That’s why I’m here!’ (VIDEO)

First round of the NBA Play-offs -Toronto Raptors at Washington Wizards

First round of the NBA Play-offs -Toronto Raptors at Washington Wizards

The Washington Post/Getty Images

Paul Pierce seems to exist for the sole purpose of tormenting the Toronto Raptors.

As a member of the Nets last season, Pierce hit a dagger to beat Toronto in the postseason, and exclaimed “That’s why they got me here!”

Now with the Wizards a year later, Pierce did the exact same thing.

Washington held a three-point lead, and would need to get a shot off with about 17 seconds still remaining. If the Raptors could get a stop and a rebound, they’d have plenty of time to try to tie the game and send it into overtime.

But Pierce would have none of it, and rained home a three-pointer that sealed the Game 3 victory, and essentially ensured that Toronto’s season would be finished.

Just like he did a season ago, Pierce reminded fans that he’s here simply to make plays like these.