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LeBron James rolls ankle when Derrick Rose takes charge, Mark Cuban calls for charge rule change

Cleveland Cavaliers at Chicago Bulls

Cleveland Cavaliers at Chicago Bulls

TNS via Getty Images

In the end, it didn’t stop LeBron James. He still called his own number then hit the game-winning jumper from the corner.

But near the end of the second quarter LeBron sprained his ankle when Derrick Rose stepped in to take a charge in transition.

“I rolled it pretty good,” LeBron said after the game. “I haven’t had an opportunity to see the replay, but I know I rolled it pretty good when I stepped on D-Rose’s foot in transition. I wasn’t coming out. I felt it on the floor for a while, and I just took my time. I was not coming out not only because of the position our team was in but because of who I am as the leader of the team. I was going to fight through it no matter what.”

I’d have ruled that a block. Bulls’ fans no doubt see it differently.

But should those kinds of step-in charges even be in the game? Mavericks’ owner Mark Cuban says no.

I don’t know if this is as pressing as looking at whether divisions should still exist, or if hack-a-whoever should be banned (it should if you ask me), but it’s a topic worth discussing.