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LeBron James not worried about return trip to Cleveland

LeBron James

In December, LeBron James got the reception you’d expect from the fans in Cleveland.

Then he and his new Heat teammates destroyed the Cavaliers as you’d expect.

Tuesday night, LeBron returns to Cleveland and while he does not expect a warm greeting with roses thrown on the path he walks, he doesn’t think it will be as bad, either he told our man Ira Winderman at the Sun-Sentinel.

“It can’t get no worse than it was December 2nd,” James said, as he prepared for his second homecoming. “I know that. I know that for a fact.”

The Heat went on a run after that and the Cavs started their season of going into the tank. This time the Heat come in hot and the Cavs cold. And we probably can expect about the same outcome. But the level of venom in Cleveland should be down a little. They will never love LeBron but they need to move on.