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Kobe Bryant says he and Kevin Durant didn’t mean what they said about Dwight Howard

Oklahoma City Thunder v Los Angeles Lakers

Oklahoma City Thunder v Los Angeles Lakers

Getty Images

Dwight Howard has become a pretty big target.

Kobe Bryant called him soft during one altercation, and Kevin Durant called him a p---- during another.

Baxter Holmes of ESPN:

Bryant was asked after the game whether he considers Howard to be a “p---y,” the term Oklahoma City star Kevin Durant was overheard calling Howard during a recent game.

“No, I don’t feel that way. I don’t think Kevin does, either,” said Bryant, who scored a game-high 29 points against the Rockets. “In moments of confrontation during a game, you’ll say things in the heat of the moment.

“I know Dwight. I’m sure Kevin does. We don’t really feel that way about him. It’s like when you get in an argument with somebody, you’ll say things out of frustration, out of anger, that you don’t really mean.”

Imagine what Durant would have said about Howard if the Thunder star weren’t injured and removed from the intensity of the game. While that excuse works for Kobe, it doesn’t seem quite as valid for Durant.

Then again, players can get pretty heated while watching from the sideline.