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Kevin Garnett on picture with Ray Allen: ‘Life is about moving, growing’

Kevin Garnett held a grudge for years after Ray Allen left the Celtics for the Heat in 2012.

So, people noticed Garnett’s pained expression while LeBron James dapped up Allen nearby during the NBA’s 75th anniversary team ceremony at the All-Star game. Even if Garnett weren’t responding to Allen and LeBron, the scene fit a narrative.

But Garnett also smiled with Allen (and Paul Pierce) for a photo at the celebration.

That apparently carried significance.

Garnett on “KG Certified":

We chopped. We chopped.
When we took the picture, he was on my left shoulder. So, he grabbed my head, and I turned around. First thing we did, “What’s up with you, boy? You good” and just went into like we didn’t miss a beat.
Life is about moving, growing.

Garnett and Allen went through too much together – including winning the 2008 championship – to remain estranged over something like Allen changing teams in free agency. Bitterness fades over time, and nostalgia for happier moments intensifies.