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Kevin Garnett makes it official: He is retiring after 21 NBA seasons

Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett


Next stop: Springfield, Mass.

Kevin Garnett, a power forward whose athleticism and skill helped redefine the position, has made official what had been reported all Friday: He is retiring. Here is his post on Instagram, saying he is thankful


KG’s resume reads like a red carpet to the Hall of Fame: NBA champion, NBA MVP, Defensive Player of the Year, nine-time All-NBA, 12 times NBA All-Defensive team, 15 time All-Star, and the list goes on and on. All of that doesn’t do justice to a man who was one of the most influential bigs on future generations the game has ever seen.

That class in five years with Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, and KG, that’s going to be an induction ceremony.