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Kevin Durant on messages to Michael Rapaport: That’s not what I want people to see from me

Ashley Nicole Moss joins Michael Holley and Michael Smith to discuss their issues with Draymond Green’s comments about female athletes and the wage gap in sports.

Nets star Kevin Durant sent homophobic and misogynistic private messages to actor Michael Rapaport, according to screenshots Rapaport posted (warning: link contains homophobic, misogynistic and profane language).



I’m sorry that people seen that language I used. That’s not really what I want people to hear and see from me. But hopefully I can move past it and get back out on the floor.

Malika Andrews of ESPN:

The NBA has repeatedly punished players for their social-media activity. Most of those incidents involved a player posting something for widespread consumption.

Durant clearly intended his words to remain private.

However, in 2012, the NBA fined Knicks big Amar’e Stoudemire (who’s now a Nets assistant coach) for using a homophobic slur in a direct message to a fan.

But the situations aren’t identical. Unlike Stoudemire, who seemingly didn’t know the fan he messaged, Durant and Rapaport had a preexisting relationship.

We don’t know the terms of that relationship. Durant said he and Rapaport “talk CRAZIER than this on the regular.”

Now that Durant’s messages became public without full context, he did well to apologize and not stand by the hateful words.