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Kevin Durant is on Stephen Jackson’s rap album, so that’s a wrap on life as we know it


Stephen Jackson loves to rap. He spent a lot of the lockout working on an album, and has a new one he expects to drop this month.But his guest star is what is likely to make some waves. It’s Kevin Durant.

From XXL Magazine’s interview with Captain Jackson, via HoopsHype:

You mentioned that KD is on the album. How do you kind of stay away from getting grouped in with all of the other NBA players who try their hand at rapping? A lot of people have this and that to say about players who make music, so how do you kind of stand alone on that?

I don’t care, I don’t pay attention to it, I’m me. Who cares what people say? I mean, people’s opinions are like buttholes—everybody has one. I don’t even pay it attention.

So Durant’s kind of nice with it?

Yeah, KD can go, man. I respect him for even getting on the track with me, because a lot of athletes are scared to even get on the same song with me ’cause they feel I’m gonna embarrass them. I’m just happy he took the time to do it, and he really killed the verse so a lot of people are gonna be surprised by it.

via Stephen Jackson Speaks on His Rap Career, 2 Chainz Sleeping on His Couch and More… | XXL.

Durant could drop a verse on milk and cookies, and this is somehow still going to negatively affect his image, which is ridiculously stupid. Even if his words contain the usual offensive-to-mainstream-and-by-mainstream-we-mean-rural-white-America words and ideas, he shouldn’t get more grief because he happens to be the scoring champ in Oklahoma. He should be able to express himself like anyone can.

But he’s held to a different standard because of how he’s been billed. It’s not even what Durant has spun himself as. It’s about what his team hasn’t spun hims as. And what they haven’t spun him as is someone who has tattoos and raps. Which really just speaks to how society is uncomfortable with that culture rather than anything else.

But we’ll see. Maybe Durant will spit the most offensive line in history and it will be shocking or maybe it’ll be like Cookie Monster doing “99 Problems.”