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Here are the best dunks of Stephen Curry’s career (VIDEO)

Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry is perhaps the best 3-point shooter in NBA history. He’s not known for being a dunker, although at 6-foot-3 he can no doubt get up enough to slam it through the tin from time-to-time.

Curry has a total of 26 made regular season dunks over his career, according to That’s not exactly a lot for a guy who has played in nearly 700 regular season games.

So it’s a bit of an inside joke when Curry does grip the hoop the way he did during this year’s All-Star Game or against the Sacramento Kings recently.

Via Twitter:

Those were pretty surprising, and they garnered enough attention that it prompted the NBA to put together a video of Curry’s best dunks over his career.

I’m not sure he’s going to be winning the Slam Dunk Contest anytime soon, but it’s always fun to have guys show off their other talents. Watch the full video above of Curry’s best dunks.