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Hear Iman Shumpert’s emotional 911 call after his child’s home birth

As a father who has been in three delivery rooms for the birth of my daughters, let me say I have no idea how I would have handled what Iman Shumpert had to do, helping his fiancée, singer Teyana Taylor, through the birth of their child while in the bathroom of their home. But probably not as well as he did.

Above is the tape of the 911 call in this case, and you can hear how emotional and understandably a little scared Shumpert sounds. The tape comes via The Daily Mail. My favorite part may be the 911 operator, who is not only calm but also annoyed at the start and got after Shumpert a little to get him task.

Shumpert said on Good Morning America Monday this was his best assist ever.

Shumpert later posted this on Instagram.
