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Former Warriors GM denies, Chris Paul confirms Stephen Curry-Klay Thompson trade offer

The Warriors reportedly offered to trade Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson to New Orleans for Chris Paul in 2011. But the deal fell apart when Paul refused to sign an extension with Golden State.

Then-Warriors general manager Larry Riley denied the story.

But Paul confirmed it.

Paul, via Uninterrupted:

Yeah, I remember it. True story. Yup.
That happened with a few teams.
I actually never wanted to come out west. I’m born and raised on the East Coast. So, I never was crazy about L.A. and all that until I finally got out here and lived out here. But at that time, all I knew really about the Bay – because I had been there to play the games or whatever – and everything was so just hilly, and I just thought about “Full House.”

Ethan Strauss – who first reported the Curry-and-Thompson-for-Paul offer in his book, “The Victory Machine” – specifically said Bob Myers made the offer. Now Golden State’s general manager, Myers was then the Warriors’ assistant general manager on track to get promoted to lead executive.

So, it’s possible Riley didn’t know about the offer (which would sure make Golden State look dysfunctional at that time). Either way, Riley probably shouldn’t so directly call the reporting false – though he has a clear incentive to do so.

Riley’s crowning achievements were drafting Curry and Thompson. If it becomes known Riley’s front office didn’t fully appreciate those future stars, that’d dent Riley’s legacy.

Perhaps, there’s room for middle ground. Paul might have known of a Warriors trade offer without knowing the specific players involved.

But Strauss has earned the benefit of the doubt.

Disclosure: I received a promotional copy of “The Victory Machine.”