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Dwyane Wade is retired, happy being a dad, but about a comeback ‘never say never’

Celebrities At The Los Angeles Dodgers Game

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - AUGUST 25: Dwyane Wade attends The Los Angeles Dodgers Game at Dodger Stadium on August 25, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images)

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Dwyane Wade has done the farewell tour. He walked away from the NBA at age 37 with a Hall of Fame resume, moved to Los Angeles with his wife (actress Gabrielle Union), he’s making television appearances, and his son Zaire is playing high school ball with LeBron James’ son at a Los Angeles area prep school.

Life is good for Wade, as he told Arash Markazi of the Los Angeles Times, his family is here but he said he’s still going to go back to Miami during the season and show the Heat some love.

So he’s fully retired, no chance at a comeback, right? Wade wouldn’t fully close that door.

“I’m done, but my trainer is going to keep me in shape just in case something happens,” Wade said, smiling. “I’m going to stay in shape because you never know. Never say never.”

Wade said he planned to work out with LeBron James in Los Angeles, maybe at the Lakers’ facility or before Laker games, and you know that will fire up the rumor machine.

“You’re definitely going to see me out there,” Wade said. “I’ll be there early to work out with LeBron before the game starts. I just want to stay around it and be as involved as I can.”

I would be shocked if Wade returned to an NBA court. More than just about anyone, Wade is prepared and ready for life after basketball, and he got to leave on his own terms (something rare for players).

But after hooping your whole life, closing that door completely is hard. Wade left it open just a crack.