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Devin Booker has Raptor mascot moved so he can shoot free throws in peace

The Raptor was doing his job — and the jobs of 20,000 others.

On the orders of the Canadian regional government, there are no fans in the Scotiabank Arena right now for Raptors games. Flip on a Raptors’ home game and it’s a little jarring to see all the empty seats.

But The Raptor — Toronto’s mascot — is there. As Devin Booker toed the line for two critical fourth-quarter free throws, The Raptor was jumping around, trying to make noise and be a distraction. Just like the 19,800 fans who normally would have been at the game would have done. After hitting the first free throw, Booker asked the referee to tell the mascot to move, and the ref obliged.

Remember fans, Booker would like it golf putt quiet when he takes his free throws, if you wouldn’t mind.

It’s not like he’s played in full arenas all season. Or played his college ball at Kentucky in packed houses. He needs his quiet.

Booker was asked about it after the game.

The free throws mattered and the Suns got the 99-95 win.