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Damian Lillard’s wave goodbye becomes iconic final word on series

Portland and Oklahoma City talked a lot of trash for five games. It didn’t stop after the game, Paul George called Damian Lillard’s game-winner a “bad shot.”

But after Lillard drained the series winner, it was his wave goodbye to the Thunder that was the ultimate final word.

“I mean, the series was over,” Lillard said postgame, via NBC Sports Northwest. “That was it. I was just waving goodbye to them. I think after Game Three, Dennis Schroder was out there pointing to his wrist. They were out there doing all these celebrations and doing all this stuff and we kept our composure. After one win, that was what they decided to do and we were like, OK, what we want to do is win four games.

“When we win those four games, there’s not going to be nothing to talk about.

“So that’s what it was.”

Actions > Words. Lillard let his play — and a wave — do the talking.