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Carmelo Anthony: “I’m all right, I’m not shutting it down for the season yet”

New York Knicks v Los Angeles Clippers

New York Knicks v Los Angeles Clippers

NBAE/Getty Images

The Knicks’ front office may want him to, but Carmelo Anthony isn’t shutting it down yet.

He also wants fans to be patient with the Knicks and the plan to rebuild.

He talked about those things in a diary-style video on the Uninterrupted page on Bleacher Report. After saying it’s been a roller coaster of a season, Anthony said this about where he is physically and with the team.

“I’m all right, I’m not shutting it down for the season yet, just trying to take some time to get it right. I know there’s a lot of fans out there that are kinda upset, kinda down on the team, kinda down on the players right now, kinda down on the situation, but I will say it will be greater later. Just be patient with the team, with the organization, with the journey, with the plan, with what we’re trying to create, what we’re trying to accomplish. Greatness don’t happen overnight, but that’s what we’re trying to build here.

“As far as me, I’m rehabbing. I’m around the clock getting treatment, therapy, trying to do what I got to do so I can be at my greatest.”

I’ve said before that clearly he wants to prove he’s worthy of the massive five-year, $124 million contract he signed last summer. That’s something you want in a player. There also is speculation he is concerned about having knee surgery — as he should be, surgery is no small step, it’s not to be taken lightly.

But shutting it down — and getting surgery on the knee if it is required — would be the best thing for him and the Knicks.

Just my guess, he guts it out through the All-Star Game at Madison Square Garden, where he will be voted in a starter representing the Knicks. After that, he’ll shut it down.