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Carmelo Anthony has two 76ers fans ejected, says they called him “boy”

When you sit in the first four rows (give or take one) at an NBA arena, there is a “code of conduct” card on your seat warning you that your “comments, gestures or behavior” can get you ejected from the building if it becomes excessive. In plain terms, don’t cross the line.

The Lakers’ Carmelo Anthony had two 76ers fans ejected Thursday for repeatedly calling him “boy,” Anthony said after the game.

If what Anthony said is true, those men deserve to be ejected. Directing “boy” at a Black player doesn’t just crosses the line, it obliterates it.

This is far from the only occasion this season where a fan was ejected for saying something inappropriate, and while it’s tempting to say the league needs to do some thing about this there are no easy answers.

Anthony finished with nine points on 11 shot attempts as the Lakers fell to the 76ers.