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  • MEM Small Forward
    The Grizzlies have selected Jaylen Wells with the No. 39 pick in the draft.
    Wells started the final 20 of his 34 games during his single season at Washington State, where he averaged 12.6 points, 4.6 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 2.1 triples per game. He spent his first two collegiate seasons with D2 Sonoma State before transferring for his junior season. He hasn’t shown much defensively, but he was an effective shooter and shot creator for Washington State. He doesn’t have a complete game by any means, but his shooting upside is certainly intriguing. Luke Kennard has a team option this summer, so Wells can learn from Kennard this year and then potentially become a rotation piece in his second season. He may not develop much else, but he can fill an important role as a floor spacer.