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  • MEM Shooting Guard
    The Pistons have selected Cam Spencer with the No. 53 pick in the 2024 NBA Draft.
    Spencer spent five years playing collegiately. The first three were with Loyola (MD) before he spent one year at Rutgers. He joined UConn for a national championship run last season, where he averaged 14.3 points, 4.9 rebounds, 3.6 assists, 1.5 steals and 2.5 triples while shooting 44% from beyond the arc. He was a consistent starter for the best team in college basketball, and at 24 years old, he should be able to make an impact in year one. He should be able to step in as a 3-and-D contributor immediately, and he isn’t going to have any issues with turnovers like other rookies tend to. He’s headed to the Memphis Grizzlies via trade. His perimeter shooting could be helpful to a squad that finished with the second-lowest three-point percentage last season and he has a chance to break into the rotation for a team that’s lacking quality guards off the pine.