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Yankee Stadium parking prices hiked more than 50%

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Mark Feinsand of the Daily News tweeted yesterday that the price to park at Yankee Stadium was just raised from $23 to $35. I have two reactions to this, with the second reaction more or less trumping the first one:

1. Wow, that’s a big hike. It’s hard to justify that kind of an increase as anything other than a cash grab; and

2. What on God’s green Earth are you doing driving to Yankee Stadium? I mean, really. There is no ballpark in the game that is more mass transit-accessible. Driving to the Bronx for a baseball game and parking at the damn ballpark is Gilded-age decadent, so I really don’t have a lot of sympathy if this price hike gouges you. If you’re so loaded that you can stomach paying that price on a regular basis yet to pampered that you can’t be bothered to take a subway or a cab or something, you probably have a driver anyway.

You may now continue the class warfare in the comments section. I’ll be busy smugly humming “Working Class Hero” from my comfortable suburban home.